Demo Waitlist Form

Thank you for your interest in OPM.Social, a premier travel-networking platform crafted for the distinguished business owners and leaders from the Harvard OPM alumni community, and beyond.

Our Mission: To empower global business leaders to forge significant connections and optimize their time through the precision of AI, within a trusted and exclusive environment.

Please join the waitlist for an exclusive demo.

Please describe the main business or industry you are associated with or would like to be associated with within the community

Please provide your primary location (city/country)

Please list the private clubs or organizations of which you are a member. Are there any in particular where you would be comfortable inviting OPM.Social community members as guests?

Are you an alumnus of the OPM Program at Harvard Business School?

Please provide your HBS email address. If you do not have one, provide any other email address you own and please contact one of the OPM alumni for an introduction/recommendation

Please provide the name and HBS email address of an OPM alumnus who can provide a recommendation/introduction for you

Please tell us about your travel plans for the next 5-6 months or travel ideas (where, when)